Performance evaluation and optimization of an analysis-focused H.264 video decoder

Supervisor(s)Verena Lachner, MSc


Digital forensics deals with the scientific reconstruction of digital traces for use in a court of law. Given that more than 80% of internet traffic is video, digital video forensics is an area of growing research interest. However, the structural dependencies in encoded video streams are not yet fully understood, hindering advances in this field. In addition, the use of different encoder implementations leads to different results, which can affect the effectiveness of forensic methods. Consequently, it is necessary to analyse encoding decisions and parameters systematically and at scale.

The objective of this Bachelor’s thesis is to profile an analysis-focused H.264 video decoder written in Julia. This involves choosing suitable benchmarking videos and running a systematic study on memory use and performance of the decoder. The student documents the insights gained from this study and presents suggestions for improvements of the video decoder.


  • Wiegand, T., Sullivan, G.J., Bjontegaard, G., and Luthra, A. Overview of the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 13, 7 (2003), 560–576.
  • Lachner, V., Schaar, K., and Zimmermann, R. CSM in Motion Vector Steganalysis: The Effect of Coders on Motion Vectors in H.264 Video Encoding. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Rhodos, Greece, 2023. [Publisher]